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Borrowing heavily from the CUFP 2011 tutorial by Anil Madhavapeddy, David Scott, Thomas Gazagnaire, Raphael Proust, Balraj Singh, and Richard Mortier..


Topic Activity Time
What is Mirage? Presentation 10 min
What is OCaml? Presentation 10 min
Hello World! Activity 15 min
Threading Presentation 10 min
Threading Demo Activity 15 min
Comfort Break 5 min
Networking Presentation 10 min
Networking Demo Activity 15 min
OpenFlow Protocol Presentation 10 min
OpenFlow Controller & Switch Presentation 10 min
OpenFlow Demo Activity 10 min

What is Mirage?
“Fat-Free Application Synthesis”

Anil Madhavapeddy




Show Me The Code!

Basic Mirage Commands

mir-build is a wrapper over ocamlbuild.
Output files are in _build/ and source is never modified.

All of this build-time synthesis is wrapped by the powerful ocamlbuild, which supports dynamic dependencies.

Try it Out

Mirage also has extra rules. Prepend the backend name to your target:

$ cd mirage-tutorial/examples/hello
$ mir-build unix-direct/hello.bin
$ mir-build unix-socket/hello.bin
$ mir-build xen/hello.xen  # need Linux x86_64
$ mir-build node/hello.js  # need js_of_ocaml

$ mir-run -b unix-socket _build/unix-socket/hello.bin
$ mir-run -b unix-direct _build/unix-direct/hello.bin
$ mir-run -b node _build/node/hello.js
$ mir-run -b xen _build/xen/hello.xen

OCaml, In Brief
necessary scaffolding

Richard Mortier

First, ML is...

Additionally, most variables are immutable, and everything is an expresssion, i.e., returns a value.

let id = expr1 in expr2

let binds names to expressions, rather like declaring variables and functions:

let x = 1 ;;
let f x y = x + y ;;

It also declares recursive functions:

let rec pow x y = if y = 0 then 1 else x * pow x (y-1)

And it can be nested:

let result = 
  let x, y = 1, 10 in
  let z = 100 in
  x+y+z ;;


Due to its typing rules, OCaml will infer the types of your expressions. This is helpful! Not only does it reduce typing, it catches bugs at compile time.

There are 6 primitive types: int, float, char, string, bool, unit. The first five behave in the way you’d expect:

let c = 'c' ;;
let s = "s" ^ "t" ^ "r" ^ "i" ^ "n" ^ "g" ;;
let yes = true ;;
let ten = 1 + 9 ;;
let point_five = 1. /. 2. ;;
N.B. Notice no automatic type conversion, and the lack of polymorphic arithmetic operators.


# let f = fun x -> fun y -> x + y ;;
val f : int -> int -> int = <fun>
# f 1 10;;
- : int = 11

This can be abbreviated:

# let f x y = x + y ;;
val f : int -> int -> int = <fun>
# f 1 10;;
- : int = 11

Note that function application does not require parentheses around arguments:

let f x y = x + y in f x y ;;

unit and 'a

unit is the singleton type, i.e., it contains only one value, (). Think of it like void in C. It often represents the value of expressions with side-effects.

Printf.printf "this returns unit" ;;

'a, 'b, and so on are used when an expression is parameterized by type — parametric polymorphism:

# let identity x = x ;;
val identity : 'a -> 'a = <fun>
# identity 10 ;;
- : int = 10
# identity "s" ;;
- : string = "s"
# identity 'c' ;;
- : char = 'c'

Complex Types

Tuples are fixed-length lists with fields of mixed types:

let t = (2, "str", 10.2) ;;

Lists have operations to append and cons but have all fields of the same type:

let x = [2;3] in
let cons = 1 :: x in 
let append = x @ cons ;;

Records are tuples with labelled fields, which may be mutable:

type r = { one: int; two: string; mutable three: float } ;;
let one = 1 in 
let r = { one; two="two"; three=1.0 } ;;
r.three <- 11.0 ;;

Variant Types & Pattern Matching

Variant types are similar to union types in C:

type 'a option =
  | None
  | Some of 'a ;;

Pattern matching is very widely used in OCaml with constants, variables, variant types, records. The syntax is surprisingly flexible and concise:

let rec llen l = match l with
  | [] -> 0
  | x :: y -> 1 + llen y ;;
let rec llen = function 
  | [] -> 0
  | x :: y -> 1 + llen y ;;


OCaml has a rich module system, and Mirage makes a set of standard modules available by default. For example:

open Openflow ;;
module OP = Openflow.Ofpacket ;;
let process_of_packet st (rem_addr, rem_port) p t =
    match p with 
      | Hello (h, _) -> send_packet t (Header.build_h h)
      | Echo_req (h, bits)
        -> send_packet t (build_echo_response h bits)
      | ...

Lightweight Threading
using the Lwt library

Raphael Proust, Balraj Singh and Anil Madhavapeddy

Lightweight Threads

Let’s look at some examples. They are all in
mirage-tutorial/examples/lwt, and you build them by:

$ mir-build unix-socket/sleep.bin
$ ./_build/unix-socket/sleep.bin

More tutorial content is available at: (this tutorial) (Lwt manual)

The Lwt monad

val return : 'a -> 'a Lwt.t

Lwt.return v builds a thread that returns with value v.

val bind : 'a Lwt.t -> ('a -> 'b Lwt.t) -> 'b Lwt.t

Lwt.bind t f creates a thread which waits for t to terminate, then pass the result to f. If t is a sleeping thread, then bind t f will sleep too, until t terminates.

val join : unit Lwt.t list -> unit Lwt.t

Lwt.join takes a list of threads and waits for them all to terminate.

A Simple Sleeping Example

    (OS.Time.sleep 1.0)
    (fun () ->
         (OS.Time.sleep 2.0)
         (fun () ->
            OS.Console.log "Wake up sleepy!\n";
            Lwt.return ()

More natural ML style, via syntax extension:

  lwt () = OS.Time.sleep 1.0 in
  lwt () = OS.Time.sleep 2.0 in
  OS.Console.log "Wake up sleepy!\n";
  Lwt.return ()

Lwt syntax extension

lwt/ (make sleep)

  lwt () = OS.Time.sleep 1.0 in
  lwt () = OS.Time.sleep 2.0 in
  OS.Console.log "Wake up sleepy!\n";
  Lwt.return ()

After syntax transform: (make sleep.pp)

  let __pa_lwt_0 = OS.Time.sleep 1.0 in
  Lwt.bind __pa_lwt_0 (fun () ->
    let __pa_lwt_0 = OS.Time.sleep 2.0 in
    Lwt.bind __pa_lwt_0 (fun () -> 
      (OS.Console.log "Wake up sleepy!\n";
       Lwt.return ()

Behind the Scenes

The scheduler is itself written in OCaml, but is operating system specific. To consider UNIX:

let t,u = Lwt.task () in // t sleeps forever
Lwt.wakeup u "foo";      // and u can wake it up  
t                        // value carried by t is "foo" 

The outside world wakes up sleeping threads via the Lwt.wakeup mechanism:


Lwt Exercises
cool cooperative concurrency

Raphael Proust, Balraj Singh and Anil Madhavapeddy

Heads or Tails?

Write a program that spins off two threads, each of which sleeps for some amount of time, say 1 and 2 seconds respectively, and then one prints “Heads”, and the other “Tails”.

After both have finished, print “Finished” and exits.

$ cd mirage-tutorial/examples/lwt
$ vim
$ make mysleep
# answer is in

Echo Server

Write an echo server that reads from a dummy input generator and writes each input read to the console. The server should stop listening after 10 inputs are received.

$ cd mirage-tutorial/examples/lwt
$ vim
$ make myecho1
# answer is in

You can use this function as a traffic generator:

let read_line () =
  OS.Time.sleep (Random.float 1.5)
  >> Lwt.return (String.make ( 20) 'a')

here comes the RESTful bit

Anil Madhavapeddy, Thomas Gazagnaire and David Scott

Getting Input

I/O is platform-specific, and exposed via OS.Blkif and OS.Netif . Each platform has a different low-level implementation behind the same signatures:


Xen Shared Rings

The interface for OS.Ring is quite generic.

type sring

module Front : sig
  // 'a is the response type, and 'b is the request id 
  type ('a,'b) t

  val init : sring:sring -> ('a,'b) t
  val slot : ('a,'b) t -> int -> Bitstring.t
  val nr_ents : ('a,'b) t -> int
  val get_free_requests : ('a,'b) t -> int
  val next_req_id: ('a,'b) t -> int
  val ack_responses : ('a,'b) t -> (Bitstring.t -> unit) -> unit
  val push_requests : ('a,'b) t -> unit
  val push_requests_and_check_notify : ('a,'b) t -> bool

The source code has more comments!

Building a Xen Block Device

Io_page.with_page (* allocate 4KiB page *)
  (fun () ->
    Gnttab.with_grant (* allow backend to read it *)
      (fun () ->
        Evtchn.notify ...


type features = {
  sg: bool;
  gso_tcpv4: bool;
  rx_copy: bool;
  rx_flip: bool;
  smart_poll: bool;

Bring up the Network

Let’s dive straight in, and bring up the Mirage network stack on UNIX. You will need tuntap on your OS (Linux or MacOS X).

The bridge should have IP as the applications default to Try not to bridge to the outside network!

$ cd mirage-tutorial/examples/net/ping
$ mir-build unix-direct/ping.bin
$ sudo ./_build/unix-direct/ping.bin
// Another terminal
$ ping

You should receive ICMP echo replies from the Mirage network stack !

Ethernet and TCP/IP

DATAGRAM signature and UDPv4

module type DATAGRAM = sig
  type mgr

  type src
  type dst

  type msg

  val recv : mgr -> src -> (dst -> msg -> unit Lwt.t) -> unit Lwt.t
  val send : mgr -> ?src:src -> dst -> msg -> unit Lwt.t

module UDPv4 : Nettypes.DATAGRAM with
  type mgr = Manager.t
  and type src = Nettypes.ipv4_src
  and type dst = Nettypes.ipv4_dst
  and type msg = Bitstring.t

Let’s Build a DNS Server

$ cd mirage-tutorial/examples/dns
$ make
# different terminal
$ dig @ -p 5555
$ dig @ -p 5555 txt

This builds the socket version, listening on port 5555 and localhost.

It uses UNIX kernel sockets and not the Mirage stack (useful for testing the higher level protocols).


New concept is Bitstring.t, from the Bitstring library by Richard Jones. It lets us avoid copying strings.

type bitstring = string * int * int

A bitstring is a tuple of the string and an offset (in bits) and length (in bits) into that string.

I/O is often expressed as a stream of bitstring and can be converted to an OCaml string via Bitstring_stream:

type bitstream = Bitstring.t Lwt_stream.t
module Bitstring_stream : sig
val string_of_stream : bitstream -> string Lwt.t

Bitstring Patterns

Used in most protocols. Below is the OpenFlow message header from the OpenFlow protocol :

let parse_h bits = 
  (bitmatch bits with
    | { 1:8:int; t:8; len:16; xid:32 }
      -> { ver=byte 1; ty=msg_code_of_int t; len; xid }
    | { _ } -> raise (Unparsable ("parse_h", bits))

OpenFlow in Mirage
sdn as a library

Richard Mortier, Haris Rotsos


Following the standard OpenFlow model — of switch, protocol, controller — the implementation comprises three parts:

N.B. There are two versions of the OpenFlow protocol: v1.0.0 (0x01 on the wire) and v1.1.0 (0x02 on the wire). The implementation supports wire protocol 0x01 as this is what is implemented in Open vSwitch used for debugging.

Contains readers/writers for the OpenFlow protocol, organized into modules following the v1.0.0 specification.

The next few slides will look briefly at these modules.

Queue, Port, Switch

Wildcards, Match, Flow

Packet_in/out, Flow/Port_mod, Stats

Packet_in where a packet arrives at the switch and is forwarded to the controller, either due to lack of matching entry, or an explicit action.

Packet_out indicates that a buffered packet must now have actions performed on it, typically culminating in it being forward out of one or more ports.

Flow_mod, Port_mod represent modification messages to existing flow and port state in the switch.

Stats contains structures representing the different statistics messages available through OpenFlow, as well as the request and response messages that transport them.

This is a skeleton controller similar to NOX, providing a simple event based wrapper around the OpenFlow protocol, e.g.,


Controller and its State

The controller state is mutable and modelled as:

listen is the main entry point to the controller, which creates a receiving channel to parse OpenFlow packets and pass them to process_of_packet which processes each received packet within the context of the switch’s current state. This handles protocol-level interactions, and generates necessary Mirage events.

Logically, an OpenFlow switch or datapath consists of one or more flow tables, and a secure channel back to the controller.

Communication over the channel is via the OpenFlow protocol, and is how the controller manages the switch.

Each flow table contains flow entries consisting of match fields, counters, and instructions to apply to packets.

Starting with the first flow table, if an incoming packet matches an entry, the counters are updated and the instructions carried out. If no entry in the first table matches, (part of) the packet is forwarded to the controller, or it is dropped, or it proceeds to the next flow table.

Entry, Table

Entry represents a single flow table entry. Each consists of:

Table representing a table of flow entries. Currently just an id (tid) and a list of entries (Entry.t list).


Encapsulates the switch (or datapath) itself. Currently defines a port as:

The switch is then modelled as:

OpenFlow in Mirage
don’t cross the streams!

Richard Mortier, Haris Rotsos

The End
now stand around the watercooler and discuss things